Monday 1 June 7:30PM Virtual event/ Zoom webinar  Book your tickets here 

R U OK? During COVID-19, it is more important than ever to look after your mental health. Our experts will share some practical strategies to help manage the social, emotional and physical toll of fertility treatments during these unprecedented times.

Gain insights on how fertility clinics and treatments have adapted and how this may impact your cycle planning. If you are in the middle of fertility treatment or considering starting soon, this virtual event is for you!

From the comfort of your home, take advantage of expert advice from Genea Fertility Specialist Dr Rachel Rodgers and Counsellor Lynn Perl. You will have the option to submit your questions prior/during the live broadcast and to remain anonymous if you prefer.

Your registration details: The AJFN respects your privacy. Please be assured that your contact details will be kept confidential and will not be shared with any other individuals or organisations.

If you wish to keep your first name/surname anonymous please put ‘anonymous’ in the space allocated.

Presented by the Australian Jewish Fertility Network and Genea.

Genea is a proud ‘Chai Corporate Partner’ of the AJFN. Together we believe that education, awareness and support are critical to breaking down the stigma surrounding infertility. We are passionate about ensuring that those struggling should never feel alone on their journey and that they have the support they need to continue trying to fulfil their dreams.

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